Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lots of ways to fit activity into your day

By: Laura Spelliscy
Inter-Ridge Recreation

Physical activity is something that may not happen over the holidays, but it is still important. Try to squeeze in a walk between all the gatherings and parties that have you eating delicious treats. Shovel the sidewalk or driveway by hand, not with a snow blower. Go outside and build a snowman. Walk your children to school in the morning, or pick them up after school is done for the day. There are lots of ways to fit activity into your day. Take advantage of the weather and plan a winter activity!
The winter brochures are finished and out. You may stop by either Inter-Ridge Recreation office to grab a copy of your own. In Gladstone, there are also copies of the brochure in the town office. In MacGregor, there are copies of the brochure in the RM offices. For those of you with school age children, copies should be coming home soon. There are a variety of activities to choose from. Please note the sign-up deadlines that are listed. Also, watch for posters that will remind you of activities and dates that are coming.
For the seniors in Gladstone, due to demand, there is one last Senior Safari being added to the trips. There will be another trip to the Island of Lights. This trip will be on Tuesday, December 23. Please note, this trip is only to the Island of Lights, and home again. There are no stops for shopping or eating. If you would like to go, phone Laura to book your seat on the Handi-van. This trip is free, so book today. Space is limited. First come, first serve.
The rec volleyball is now on Christmas break. It will resume again on January 6 in Plumas, and January 7 in Austin.
A supervisor is still needed for the Austin hall-walking program. Anyone that is interested is asked to phone Laura at the Inter-Ridge Recreation office. Without a supervisor, the program will have to cancelled. If you enjoy having a warm place to walk in the winter, please phone.
I can be reached in Gladstone most Mondays and Wednesdays. MacGregor is the office to call most Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fridays are either office. You can also email

Theft of copper wire

RCMP Gladstone Det.
On Dec. 3, 2008, RCMP were called to a complaint of a theft of copper wire from the Town of Gladstone. Sometime overnight, two large wooden spools and other small coils of wire were stolen from a construction site. Given the size of the spools, more than one person may have been involved and it is possible that a pick up truck was used in the theft.
The value of the wire was approximately $2,000.
If anyone has any information in regards to this theft, please contact your local RCMP Detachment or Manitoba Crime Stoppers at 1-800-782-8477.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Biplane in Neepawa

Posted by Kate Jackman-Atkinson
Today, two Alberta pilots Tom Hinderks and Curtis Peters landed in Neepawa. Find out why in next week's Banner.