Thursday, December 17, 2009
Eastview Lodge may soon be transformed
By Ken Waddell
The Neepawa Banner
The long awaited decision on the fate of Eastview Lodge may be coming soon.
Last spring when it was obvious that the Assiniboine Regional Health Authority would no longer be using Eastview Lodge there was a joint effort by the Town of Neepawa and a company named Adler Properties to turn the former care home into housing. Neepawa has a housing crisis, the ARHA no longer needed Eastview with the construction the new Country Meadows Personal Care home so it seemed like perfect fit. The RHA agreed, the town agreed and Adler properties had a plan in place to convert the former 120 room care home into about 60 small apartments. Those apartments, it's assumed, would soon be filled with workers, about 225 of them, who have immigrated to Canada to work at Hytek-Springhill hog processing plant.
The plan ground to a halt when the proposal hit the desk of Minister of Health Theresa Oswald. The government decided that in spite of the fact that the ARHA was running up a hefty bill every month for taxes, maintenance and utilities that a public bidding process should take place. Local MLA Stu Briese, who had lobbied Oswald for a quick decision said, "They have incurred about $180,000 extra cost and delayed the project by several months."
Briese said his fear is that workers are moving to Brandon to live due to the severity of the housing shortage in Neepawa and that once their two year commitment at Springhill is up they will find work in Brandon and not live or work in Neepawa.
As of the Nov. 27 deadline, there were no bids on the EVL property. That resulted in the ARHA board asking Minister Oswald to allow them to release the property to the Town of Neepawa. That request went in Dec. 17 to the minister's office according to ARHA VP of Finance Ted Bartlett. "We've asked the minister to allow us to a accept the Town of Neepawa's offer"
Town of Neepawa Mayor Bob Durston said, "Our council is still wiling to accept the property from the ARHA and then move forward on the offer from Adler properties. The dates will have to be changed as the old agreement has run out but if the company is still interested, we want to go ahead. That proposal is based on converting EVL to apartments. We hope to get apartments in place by the end of 2010."
Peter Thiessen who represents Adler Properties said "I think the government had to make the decision they made, it had to be an open process, transparent. They had to look after the greater good of the public interest ahead of just the Town of Neepawa's interest or a developer's interest."
Thiessen went on to say that "I believe very strongly in the Town of Neepawa as a growth centre, [it's] very well located with a mixture of private enterprise, good education structure and health care structure. I think this building will fit well in the community and the hog plant (Hytek-Springhill) is a viable company. We are planning to proceed with our contractors as soon as possible."
When that will be be is now again up to Minister Oswald, but no one yet is predicting how soon that decision will be made.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Cops Corner
Detachment Commander
Minnedosa Detachment
Your Minnedosa members responded to just over 20 calls for service this past week. Normally this time of year, our calls for service increase due to increased traffic, colder weather and sometimes as a result of extended visits by the in-laws. All kidding aside, Christmas is unfortunately the season where our Impaired Driving statistics increase and we've been trying to curb that through this article, education and visibility by being out there as often as we can. I am very pleased that we did not apprehend a single Impaired Driver this past week. Keep up the great work Minnedosa!
Although Impaired Driving is one of our priorities over the Season, we got an additional "surprise" when we stopped a vehicle from Alberta the other evening. Now I would have to agree that our police vehicles are pretty "cool" when it comes to everything in it, but one of the best items is what's known as a radar detector detector. Nope...didn't repeat myself. It's a device that actually identifies when someone is using a radar detector and boy was it squawking and beeping that night when the 2006 Porsche Cayenne from Calgary went by.
The members approached the vehicle and aside from the dozen or more air fresheners, bad cologne and general weirdness of the 2 people inside, the smell of fresh marihuana literally radiated from the car. That in and of itself puts everyone police don't know under arrest and "assuming the position". Following the arrest, a search is conducted. Now it's not rocket science....when you smell dope, you expect to find dope but imagine our surprise when a shoe-box overflowing with Canadian currency was also located.
In all, $49,615.00 in cash was seized. Something tells me they weren't Christmas Shopping when in addition to the money, we located 4.5 pounds of marihuana, 1.5 ounces of hash and about $25,000 in steroids....liquid testosterone prohibited in Canada.
Our specialists with the Integrated Proceeds of Crime Section were also down for a visit thanks to these two and it appears the Porsche might be the Queen's property shortly....maybe Minnedosa will have a new "Police Car" for Christmas?
The 2 males from Alberta were remanded in custody with numerous charges under the Controlled Drugs & Substances Act.
Speaking of Court and recent drug charges, some local youth recently had their charges dismissed when they appeared in court and the Federal Crown Attorney was not present. For those of us that don't know, a special Federal Crown Attorney is responsible for handling all Federal charges like those under the Controlled Drugs & Substances Act. Sometimes there are hiccups in the system and through no fault of our own, it happened in Minnedosa. Although we could have re-laid these charges and sent them back to court yet again, the important thing is what these youth learned and take with them as a result of their experience. I sincerely hope that they use this opportunity to do things a little differently.
Our 2009 speeder of the week goes to 56 year old Ayana NEPHTELAM of the USA for traveling 126 Kph on Highway #16.
When I came in to write this article tonight, I couldn't help but notice the sudden increase in sugary "supplements" for my diet waiting on the counter. With these tasty morsels of pure excitement calling my name (and everything with the exception of my waistline thanks you) was a card. I mention this not because of the need to justify why I'm eating yet again tonight but for the sincere thoughts and feeling that went into it's presentation. For in this card was a message from the parents of a very special person. A special person who wound up "slipping" on the road of life and needed some support from police. A message that said thanks. Although not necessary, it was very nice to hear that our youth was doing alright. That's why we're here. We don't come to work every morning or night saying "who's kid can we pick on today" or "How many charges can I lay tonight". If you ask any RCMP officer why they wanted to become a Mountie and if they are honest with you, they'll tell you it was because they wanted to serve and "help people".
Although I think the world of our Officers and believe me, you won't find a better team anywhere, it is YOU the parents that deserve the thanks. For your unwavering understanding, support and dedication to providing a safe and secure environment for our youth all while working with your RCMP members when our kids sometimes trip and fall. For this and many other reasons, THANK YOU.
Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday season.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
McCreary fatal collision
The driver of the passenger van, a 57-year-old male from the Swan River area, was pronounced deceased at the scene. His name is not being released. The driver of the semi truck driver was taken to hospital with minor injuries and later released.
Road and weather conditions are considered a factor in this collision. A snow fall mixed with high winds reduced visibility. No charges are contemplated.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Neepawa Gladstone Co-op recognized
Last Wednesday, Neepawa Gladstone Co-op was recognized at the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce's 2009 Manitoba Business Awards.
The business won the Long Term Business – Rural award.
Look for more in next week's Neepawa Banner.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Hydro strike
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Parks Canada, as part of its commitment to ensuring public safety and the highest quality of visitor experience, will be making repairs to sections of Highway 10 and Highway 19 in Riding Mountain National Park (RMNP).
Starting at the end of September and proceeding to the end of October, there will be paving work done on segments of Highway 10 in RMNP. The majority of the work will take place from the middle section of the park to the north gate. The highway will remain open and trained flagging personnel will be directing traffic.
"As is outlined in our Management Plan, we are working to maintain a safe, scenic parkway through RMNP and where possible, enhance visitor experience," explains Superintendent Cheryl Penny. "This highway also functions as a throughway for commercial traffic so we will keep it open throughout the construction period and endeavour to reduce delays to a minimum."
In addition, there will be gravel applied to sections of Highway 19, Lake Audy Road and the Deep Lake access road. All roads will remain open during the gravelling process.
Motorists are reminded to exercise caution while driving through construction zones, and should be prepared for delays. Uneven road conditions may occur and heavy equipment will be present on the roadway.
“We are recommending that travellers, especially those pulling campers or trailers through the park adhere to the posted speed limit and in some cases drive even slower depending on road conditions,” explained Mark Wruth, Technical Services Manager with RMNP.
Up to 250,000 vehicles travel through RMNP every year.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Truck rolls over
The cause of the accident is still under investigation by Neepawa RCMP.
Alcohol was not a factor.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Doer to resign
Premier Gary Doer today announced he will resign this fall after a replacement is chosen. Following 10 years at the helm of the provincial government, Doer said the time is right for renewal.
"I look back with pride at all the hard work this team has done on behalf of all Manitobans, but there is still more work to be done to ensure this province is everything it can be," Doer said. "As we mark the 10-year anniversary of our government, this is the appropriate time to pass the baton to a new leader who can carry on that important work."
Doer was first elected to the legislative assembly in 1986 on behalf of the people of the constituency of Concordia. As a member of Howard Pawley's government, he served as minister of urban affairs.
Doer became leader of the New Democratic Party in the middle of the 1988 provincial election. Following the 1990 election, he became leader of the official opposition. In 1999, he led his party to government and became the premier. In total, he led his party to three consecutive majorities.
"I am grateful to the people of Manitoba for giving me the chance to serve them," Doer said. "No one should doubt that it is a great honour to sit in the legislature and work on behalf of the citizens of this province."
Doer led a government with a mandate to invest in health care, education, justice and the economy.
"There are new hospitals, more doctors and nurses, one of the healthiest economies in Canada, a strong justice system and an education system that meets the needs of more students than ever before," said Doer. "These are accomplishments of the entire government, not any one person. Any government must renew itself to maintain the ability to work on behalf of the people who elected it. I look forward to working with out team as a new leader is chosen in the coming months."
Friday, August 7, 2009
Stolen pickup
On the 6th of August, 2009 at approximately 3:30 pm, a black 2004 Chevrolet Silverado bearing Manitoba Marker FFT 917 was stolen from the Carberry Hospital Parking lot. Investigation has determined that this theft may be related to two other attempted vehicle thefts in Holland, Manitoba and one theft of a Black 2005 Chevrolet pickup bearing Manitoba Licence plate EZY 938 that was taken earlier from Southport, Manitoba.
The stolen pickup from Southport is believed to have been used by the suspects in the Carberry truck theft.
The 2004 Chevrolet Pickup stolen from Carberry, is believed to have been seen the Long Plains first Nations area late yesterday afternoon.
Anyone with information relating to these crimes are encouraged to contact the Carberry RCMP at (204)834-2905 or Crimestoppers.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Farm Accident Claims Life
An autopsy is scheduled at the Brandon Hospital.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Neepawa Tim Hortons open
Clear Lake Yankees to play celebrity exhibition game
Posted by Kate Jackman-Atkinson/The Neepawa Banner
On July 25, the Clear Lake Yankees, a team which plans to joins the Senior B baseball league next year, will play an exhibition game against the Oak River Dodgers.
Kelly Gruber is confirmed and will play July 25 and 26 in Clear Lake and Madge Lake. He'll also play August 1, 2 and 3 in Clear Lake, Madge Lake and Kenosee. He's also trying to get another Blue Jays player.
Jessie Barrfield will play July 25 and 26 at Clear Lake and Madge Lake. He'll be attending Ricky Henderson's number retirement and will miss the August 1, 2 and 3 games.
Tony Fernandez will play August 1, 2 and 3 but isn't yet confirmed for July 25 and 26.
Pitching will be handled by Gord Paddock, Gerry Falk, Andy Boehm, Herb, Danny and Clark Andres (San Clara) and possibly Don Smith. Paddock will be starting at Clear Lake and will go for three of four innings. He may also be starting in Madge Lake. Manitoba baseball hall of famer Falk will pitch two or three innings. Boehm's pitching will depend on his recovery from an injury. Bodnarchuk is looking for another pitcher and is hoping that former relief pitcher for the Goldeyes and Birtle Blue Jays, Don Smith, will be available.
Manitoba hall of famer Barry Wowk will catch. If his knees don't hold up, former Oak River Dodger Trevor Smith will finish.
The Yankees field will include: Bob Paradine of Binscarth in left field, Manitoba hall of famer Mike Levandoski of Neepawa in centre or right field, one of the Anders boys in right field, Kelly Gruber at third base, Tony Fernandez at short stop, Jessie Barrfield at first base and Shane Moffatt at either second base or on the pitcher's mound. Kerry Lowe has been invited to play infield, but hasn't yet been confirmed.
Bodnarchuk said he is trying to get John Olerud to play first base on August 1, 2 and 3, and former Blue Jay Devon White to play outfield in all five games.
Kelly Gruber is planning to put on baseball clinics in Altona, Brandon and maybe Neepawa during the week he is playing with the Yankees.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Santa Clara league heads into playoffs
Submitted by Gladwyn Scott
Final Santa Clara League Standings
P W L T Pt
Minnedosa Mavericks 15 15 0 0 30
Ste. Rose Brewers 15 8 7 0 16
Plumas Pirates 14 6 8 0 12
Carberry Royals 14 4 9 1 9
Neepawa Cubs 15 4 9 1 9
Ebb & Flow Lakers 13 4 9 0 8
Best of three quarter finals will swith Ebb & Flow at Plumas Tuesday, July 14 and Neepawa and Carberry are playing July 15, 17 and 20.
10 and Under Girls League Champs.
Neepawa girls provincial championship
By Kate Jackman-Atkinson/The Neepawa Banner
After winning their league championships last month, the Neepawa PeeWee girls softball team added the Peewee B Girls Provincial Fastball Championship to their list of this season's accomplishments. The team, which includes four players from Carberry, travelled to Winnipeg for the provincial tournament last Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
The girls played four round-robin games, winning against Woodlands, McDonald and Altona. They lost to Boissevain by one run. They then played three back-to-back games on Sunday, winning the quarter final against Killarney (6-0), the semi-final against Manitou (4-3) and the final against Boissevain (6-4). Pitcher Kailee Stewart pitched a no-hitter in the quarter final.
Coach Don Schmall said, “The girls played really well... There was good hitting by all players.”
Team members are (from left) back row: Don Schmall (coach), Bailey Fenning-Cox, Jade Leflar,
Becky Reynolds, Ken Stewart (coach), Janelle Lavich, Kendra Kostenchuk, Foss Taylor (coach)
Middle row: Cassidy Kuharski, Emma Schmall, Halli Krzyzaniak, Kenzie Shamanski, Samantha McDonald, Aalyia Clark
Front row: Cecily Taylor, Kayley Dowd, Kailee Stewart
Friday, July 3, 2009
Countryfest update
Deal struck for Minnedosa events centre location
Press release
The Minnedosa Regional Events Centre Site Selection Committee has found a home for its new arena complex. An agreement in principle has been struck with the Minnedosa Agricultural Society to acquire approximately 40 acres of the Minnedosa Fair Grounds located on 6th Avenue NW. The Ag Society will retain approximately 8 acres of the property along the western boundary and as part of the deal will get a new show barn.
The acquisition of this large parcel of land opens the door to many possibilities and will allow the Design Committee to begin work with architects and developers to design a facility to meet the needs of all potential users.
The Events Centre Funding Committee will soon be able to begin its capital campaign. To kick things off, they are holding a Time, Treasure and Talent Auction on Friday evening, July 10th immediately after the Rotary Dinner at the old arena. They also plan to hold a Christmas Gala on December 12th. Anyone wishing to make a donation can direct it to the Minnedosa Regional Events Centre Inc., Box 1425, Minnedosa, Manitoba R0J 1E0.
Full details of the deal between the Event Centre and the Ag Society are pending the preparation and signing of a formal written agreement between the parties.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Dauphin's Countryfest
Traffic was lined up along the highways for approximately 20 kilometers prior to the gates to the Countryfest site opening Wednesday afternoon. While waiting in line, a number of people chose to start drinking. Officers from the Parkland Area and Riding Mountain Traffic Services patrolling the highways issued 7 charges under the Highway Traffic Act for speeding and 17 charges under the Liquor Control Act for having liquor in an unauthorized place. In addition to the open liquor charges, hundreds of containers of alcoholic beverages were poured out by the police. One 24 hour drug related driver's licence suspension was also issued after the person failed a field sobriety test. Officers also answered 2 calls from the public about people playing sports and games on the highway as they waited.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Bulletin #27 H1N1 Flu
. Manitoba Health and Healthy Living is reporting the death of a child under 18 years with underlying medical conditions and a prior lab-confirmed positive test for H1N1 flu. This case is still under investigation. Previously Manitoba had reported two H1N1 flu deaths.
. Manitoba Health and Healthy Living continues to closely monitor the level of severe respiratory illness in the province, particularly in patients admitted to intensive-care units. Manitoba has some cases of severe respiratory illness that have not tested positive for H1N1 flu, but have resulted in hospitalization. The outcomes for these patients are not included in the H1N1 reported case numbers, but each case is investigated and followed up by public health officials.
. To date, Manitoba has 458 reported laboratory-confirmed cases of H1N1.
. While it has been estimated the vast majority of the individuals in Manitoba who have been infected with H1N1 have recovered without specific medical care or hospitalization, all people who are experiencing flu-like symptoms should stay home from work and limit contact with others as much as possible to prevent the spread of illness.
. If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms and you are concerned that you may need advice or care, do not hesitate to contact your health-care provider, visit your nearest health centre or call Health Links-Info Santé at 788 8200 or 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free).
. If you have symptoms of a more severe or serious illness such as shortness of breath, dehydration or severe weakness then you should seek prompt medical care. If other symptoms such as coughs or fever get worse, you should also see your health-care provider. If serious symptoms appear, get worse or you do not get better as you normally would (within two to three days), you should immediately see your health-care provider even if you have already visited them about your illness.
. More information about the prevention and care of H1N1 flu is available on the flu website at
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Inky Mark retiring
Manitoba’s longest serving Conservative Member of Parliament Inky Mark has announced his retirement from federal politics after serving the people of Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette for the past twelve years.
Mark explained that with two young grandsons it was time to begin a new chapter in his life focussing on wife Lynda and their family. He decided to announce his retirement now to give local Conservatives time to select a new candidate in preparation for the next general election.
“It has been an honour to serve the people of Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette. I consider myself privileged to be their public servant.” said Mark.
Over the years Mark has been described as outspoken, anti-establishment, never concerned with what party officials think of him, and always putting the people at home before the Party in Ottawa. He has sat in Parliament representing the Reform Party of Canada, the Canadian Alliance, Independent Conservative, the P.C.D.R. Coalition, the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada and the Conservative Party of Canada.
Voters rewarded Mark’s loyalty by overwhelmingly electing him five consecutive times. He is the only M.P. in this large rural riding’s history to win five consecutive elections: 1997 with the Reform Party of Canada, then again in 2000, 2004, with the Canadian Alliance and in 2006 and 2008 with the Conservative Party of Canada.
Mark is the only M.P. in Canada to establish 11 constituency offices providing people with personal service within a one-half hour drive of their home; to initiate specially designed medals honouring his riding’s Veterans, Municipal Officials and Firefighters; and providing every household with a Commemorative booklet annually in time for Remembrance Day that lists the names of the riding’s fallen.
Other successes include having the riding name changed to Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette, successfully having Lt. Col. William Barker, VC declared a national hero, commissioned statues to honour the victims of the Ukrainian Internment of 1914-1920, Lt. Col. William Barker VC and Dr. Ed Hudson, C.M. of Hamiota.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Bulletin #24 H1N1 Flu
From a June 17, 2009 Province of MB news release
. Manitoba Health and Healthy Living is reporting 34 new confirmed cases of H1N1 flu, bringing the Manitoba total to 260 reported laboratory-confirmed cases.
. The call to action for health-care workers in northern Manitoba is continuing. In addition to the normal complement of health-care professionals working in the north, there are two doctors and two more nurse practitioners scheduled to work in northern communities this week. Additional staff responding to the call to action include about 20 nurses and 10 medical residents. Logistical issues surrounding the supervision of medical residents and licences continue to be addressed. Interested physician and nurses can indicate their interest in working in northern communities that need additional resources by visiting the flu website at where there is a Physicians and Nurses Needed button.
. All Manitobans are at risk for exposure to the H1N1 virus. The influenza outbreak is provincewide and it is likely that H1N1 is present in every community in Manitoba. Although there has been an increase in the number of people with severe respiratory illness, this has been a small proportion of the people who have had the flu in Manitoba in the last two months. The majority of people in Manitoba who have become ill have not required hospitalization.
. Contact your health-care provider or visit your nearest health-care centre if you are concerned that you may need advice or care, especially if your symptoms are severe or worsening (i.e. shortness of breath, dehydration, worsening fever, cough or weakness). It's important to seek prompt care if you are concerned you need it as early intervention is important in treating severe influenza-like illness.
. More information about the prevention and care of H1N1 flu is available on the flu website at
RHA (Patient's residence) Total
Assiniboine 3
Brandon 10
Burntwood/Churchill 80
Central 1
Interlake 6
North Eastman 6
Parkland 4
Winnipeg 122
Total 260
. Manitoba has reported two deaths associated with H1N1 influenza.
Friday, June 12, 2009
H1N1 flu bulletin
. The World Health Organization's decision to go to pandemic level six has not changed Manitoba's current response to H1N1 flu. The amount and severity of disease in Manitoba will continue to guide the public health response.
. Manitoba Health and Healthy Living is reporting 22 new confirmed cases of H1N1 flu, bringing the Manitoba total to 78 reported laboratory-confirmed cases. In the past 24 hours, there has been one additional patient admitted to an intensive-care unit in Manitoba.
. All Manitobans are at risk for exposure to the virus and the possibility of severe illness has been highest for Aboriginal people and others with pre-existing health and living conditions.
. In Manitoba, there has been no public health reason to close schools, community centres or other public gathering places or to avoid travel to any community. There is also no public health reason to exclude people from any public setting based on their ethnic background or home community. The same basic precautions are still the best defense against H1N1 influenza, no matter where you are or who you are with.
. Manitoba continues to offer assistance in providing additional supplies for First Nations communities in the province. Manitoba Health and Healthy Living will also work with regional health authorities to conduct an on-site assessment in First Nations communities to ensure requirements are being met now and in the future. The provincial government has already distributed surgical masks, N95 respirators and anti-virals to meet the needs of First Nations peoples in Manitoba.
. Manitoba is also working to respond to assist the federal government in providing more doctors and nurses in First Nations communities experiencing influenza outbreaks. There has already been additional physician coverage being provided in northern Manitoba. A meeting is being held today with various physicians' and nurses' and other health-care organizations to provide appropriate levels of health care in First Nations communities.
. Central co-ordination of the air ambulance system has improved air ambulance traffic flows. The number of air ambulance calls is generally normal for this time of year.
. The influenza outbreak is province-wide and more cases are expected in communities across Manitoba. Most Manitobans who have become ill have experienced relatively less-serious cases of influenza illness and have not required hospitalization.
. If you have symptoms of flu-like illness, such as fever, cough, aches and tiredness, you are most contagious for three to four days, but it is possible to spread the disease for up to a week once your symptoms start to appear. You should:
- Stay home from school or work while you are ill and limit unnecessary contact with others.
- Contact your health-care provider or visit your nearest health-care centre if you are concerned that you need advice or care or especially if your symptoms are severe or worsening (i.e. shortness of breath, dehydration, worsening fever, cough or weakness).
- You can also call Health Links-Info Santé at 788 8200 or 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free) if you need personal advice on self care or when to seek further care.
. Manitobans should continue to take the following precautions:
- Cover a cough or sneeze by coughing or sneezing into your elbow or sleeve or using a tissue to cover your nose and mouth.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Hand sanitizers are also effective.
- Limit touching of your eyes, nose or mouth.
- Take steps to maintain your health by taking care of yourself and those in your care including eating a healthy, balanced diet, avoiding cigarette smoke and other harmful substances, being active and getting enough rest and sleep. If you or someone in your care has a chronic condition, get the help needed for effective care from your health-care provider.
. For more information about H1N1 flu, see
(Patient's residence) Total
Brandon 6
Burntwood/Churchill 26
Nor-Man 5
North Eastman 1
Parkland 1
South Eastman 1
Winnipeg 38
Total 78
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Think Pink!
Posted by Kate
Today was Neepawa's annual Think Pink day. Stay tuned for a photo slide show on our YouTube Channel and a story in next week's paper.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Looking for more information about how communities in the Banner's coverage area scored on the Canadian Council on Learning's Composite Learning Index?
Here's the scores for local communities: Composite learning results for the Banner's coverage area
The complete results are here.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Philippine nurses arrive
On Monday night, 32 nurses from the Philippines arrived in Manitoba. They will be working in the Assiniboine Regional Health Authority. Look for more details in next week's Neepawa Banner.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Inter-Ridge report
Laura Spelliscy
While the temperature may feel cool, the weather is still warm enough to be outside getting active! Just 30 minutes of activity will increase your health. Go out for a walk, play a game of tennis or rake your yard. Any activity that increases your heart rate will do.
Use your community’s outdoor recreation facilities. Go play a game of tennis. Even if you have never played before, just have fun. Play a game of basketball on the outdoor courts. Anyone can shoot a game of 21. Maybe you prefer soccer. All you need for that is an open space! If you really would like a net to shoot at, most schools have a soccer field you can use. A great way to pass some time is throwing the football. A quick game of touch football is a great way to get active, and it doesn’t require anything other than a ball. You don’t have to a certain age to play any of these games. In fact, take the whole family out!
For the pre-school age children out there, Mother Goose is still running at the Gladstone Elementary School. This is a literacy program for parents and their pre-school age children. The program is on Tuesday nights in the gym from 6:45 – 7:30 p.m. No registration is required, and the program is FREE!
There will be a golf clinic held at the Gladstone Golf Course on June 13. There will be a clinic for junior golfers and a clinic for adult golfers. This is a great way to either start playing or to improve your current game. For more information, or to register, please contact Laura. Registration is required by June 5.
To contact Laura, phone either the Gladstone office at 385-2071 or the MacGregor office at 685-2202. You may also contact her by email at
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
East View new life?
Monday, May 4, 2009
Manitoba has its first H1N1 flu case
Public Health
. A confirmed case of H1N1 flu has been reported in a female in the 10- to 19-year old age group, who is a resident of the Brandon health region.
. The individual, who travelled to Mexico, the United States and British Columbia in mid- to late-April, is recovering from mild symptoms of an influenza illness that did not require hospitalization.
. The individual attends Riverheights School in Brandon.
. The regional medical officer of health for the Brandon region has advised there is currently no public health indication that this school, or any other school in the Brandon region, should be closed.
. There have been no reports of severe respiratory illness resulting from H1N1 flu in Manitoba and no other confirmed cases of H1N1 flu in the province.
. Public health staff will attend the Brandon school on Monday to provide additional public health information about H1N1 flu to school staff, students and parents.
. If you have been travelling and a week has gone by since you left Mexico or other H1N1 flu affected areas and you do not have flu-like symptoms, you have no reason to worry about becoming ill from H1N1 flu resulting from your travels.
. If you do develop flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough, aches and tiredness, you may be contagious for up to a week after the beginning of your symptoms. You should:
- Stay home from school or work and limit contact with others to reduce the chance of infecting them.
- Reduce the spread of germs by avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth, covering your cough by coughing into your elbow or sleeve or using a tissue, and by washing your hands frequently.
- Contact your health-care provider or Health Links-Info Santé if you think you may need care.
. All Manitobans are reminded to use routine precautionary measures:
- Cover a cough or sneeze by coughing or sneezing into your elbow or sleeve or using a tissue to cover your nose and mouth.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.
- Maintain your health by making healthy food choices, being physically active and getting enough sleep.
. There have been no reports the H1N1 virus has been transmitted through food. The usual food handling and cooking practices for all pork products still apply.
. For personal advice on self-care or when to seek further care, Manitobans should contact their primary-care physician or other health-care provider or phone Health Links-Info Santé at 788 8200 or 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free).
. Provincial officials, regional health authorities and partners continue to work together to monitor the situation and ensure an appropriate response.
Food Safety and Animal Health
. Monitoring swine in Manitoba for a variety of flu viruses remains an ongoing process as part of provincial measures to increase the health and safety preparedness of the pork industry. So far, there is no evidence this new virus is circulating in Manitoba swine herds.
. Manitoba swine producers maintain strict bio-security measures in their barns and on their property, and are being reminded to continue these measures. For the industry to protect itself, it is necessary for producers to restrict access to their barns and swine herds to authorized personnel who adhere to the high sanitary requirements that can prevent the introduction of the flu virus into their facility. People who are ill or have flu symptoms should not go into pig or poultry production facilities.
. Owners of hobby farms with small numbers of swine are encouraged to monitor their livestock for flu symptoms and contact their veterinarian should these symptoms arise.
. As per usual, pigs undergo health inspections both before and after slaughter.
. The Manitoba government has been in contact with the Manitoba Chicken Producers, Manitoba Egg Producers and Manitoba Pork Council to share information with swine and poultry producers and all local veterinarians on the H1N1 virus.
. Manitoba veterinarians and the pork industry are constantly monitoring for new diseases. Swine flu among pigs is not unusual and is not usually fatal in swine. Swine flu has existed in Canada and Manitoba for a number of years.
. Owners of pets like dogs or cats do not need to be concerned about the H1N1 flu. Owners of pet pigs should be aware swine and humans can trade viruses so they should follow the usual precautions, monitor the health of their pet and call a veterinarian if it shows signs of illness.
For links to more information, visit the H1N1 flu website at
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Prairie Forest Demolition
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Letter to the editor
email us at : news@neepawabanner .com
or send us a letter:
The Neepawa Banner
Box 699
Neepawa, MB. R0J1H0
April 2, 2009
Many residents from Neepawa and the rural areas have contacted me since my May 2008 letter to the editor expressing concerns of a shared hospital located at Franklin. They requested I make public another major concern we all share.
We are one of the "Most Beautiful" towns in Manitoba and boast a large retirement community. Many of our retired town and rural residents who have supported our town for many generations chose Neepawa to establish their new homes. We host several senior housing facilities (Elks Manor, Kinsman Kourts, etc.) to reside in when the time comes to move from their homes. We also have a personal care home when their need for this service is required. We boast a well-established medical service and are creating a medical clinic within our town to help encourage additional medical professionals to move here. We have a hospital conveniently located within our town for fast and easy service. Several people have indicated to me these were the main reasons they retired or moved to our town.
To support the removal of our hospital from the town Mayor Durston you and some councilors would be ignoring these people and jeopardizing our health and safety. Many business minded people and large corporations (Hyteck - $35 million, Prairie Forest Products - $15 Million plus) have invested or are going to invest millions of dollars establishing in our town and surrounding community. This is hardly the time to dismantle our town.
Another large business located in our town is contemplating construction of a new facility in the near future. These businesses have faith in Neepawa's future and you can be assured they would not be investing here if they didn't.
It is to be noted when the Beautiful Plains School Division was established in 1959, they did not locate the offices at the Brookdale corner, half way between Neepawa and Carberry. The office was established in Neepawa, which also happens to be the largest service center in the Assiniboine Regional Health Centre. This is hardly the town to start removing the hospital from. Canada Safeway recently invested over a million dollars remodeling their store in Neepawa; they never demolished it and relocated out in the country.
Establishing a hospital at Franklin literally moves 3,500 Neepawa residents 20 miles away from the health facilities and services we now conveniently enjoy. Gladstone, McGregor, Austin, Carberry, McCreary and other area residents presently using these services would also share this fate. This could easily encourage them to seek other centers like Portage, Brandon, Ste. Rose and Dauphin to do their business.
Mayor Durston and councilors, we suggest you rethink any decision to support the removal of our hospital, the very heart of our town. Your decision to ignore this request will have a devastating effect on our business community and the future growth of our town. Enough study was not given the topic. The millions of taxpayer's dollars that would be wasted to service the Franklin location with sewer and water alone could be better spent expanding Minnedosa Hospital and toward the construction of a new hospital on the Neepawa property already purchased and serviced for that reason. Some of these monies could be better spent upgrading medical equipment within the two hospitals. For every trip (not always the best driving conditions) the doctors make from the clinic to the Franklin location they could make ten trips to the hospital in town. This could easily be a point that could discourage doctors from moving here.
All hospital staff would be forced to add approximately 4,400 miles a year to their expenses, not income tax deductible. At present rates, residents forced to use the handy-van will have to pay .90 cents a KM one way plus a $ 12.00 hour fee for waiting.
Additional costs will be implemented to transport equipment for major snow removal services. It does not matter what area you look at it is going to cost millions of dollars extra including lost revenue to local business to locate a hospital in Franklin.
The Manitoba Health admits doctor shortages are a national and international problem. Rumors are afloat " If we don't support the Franklin location we will lose our hospital and will have to go to Brandon". Similar rumors were circulated by some of the same people when the Personal Care Home location was challenged. When asked this question (PCH) the Deputy Minister of Health assured us this threat did not exist. Our opinion is the Assiniboine Regional Health Authority's mandate is to guarantee the citizens a safe and healthy medical service, not to run around threatening the people should they disagree with the A.R.H.A. suggestions. Until we see these threats in writing we consider them as just rumors. One could imagine the uproar in Brandon if a suggestion not to expand the Brandon Hospital a few years ago but close the Virden Hospital and use the money to build a new one at Griswold half way between the two centers.
We feel the supporters of the Franklin location were too eager to support such a suggestion without considering the negative implications it will have on the future of the two towns.
Businessmen spend thousands of dollars on advertising to bring business to our town, which in turn helps increase employment. "Stop", "think" our future is in your hands we request you do not ignore the citizens legitimate concerns.
Thank you.
"Concerned Citizens"
Cecil Pittman
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Deadlines approaching for spring activities
Inter-Ridge Recreation
Don’t forget to sign-up for any programs or activities that you want to participate in. There are quite a few deadlines in this article, so mark your calendars now.
Coming to Austin, the Rally Caps. This is a baseball program for those ages 4 – 6. Baseball will be held on Tuesday nights starting in May. Pre-registration is required by April 9. To register, or for more details, please phone either Christine, at 685-2826, or Regan, at 466-2960.
Also to be held in Austin, Yoga-size. This course has been enjoyed in the past and is a great way to get in shape for spring. The classes will be held on Wednesdays after school from April 22 – May 27. Pre-registration is required by April 15. Please sign-up now, as a minimum number of participants is required in order to go ahead with the classes.
Mother Goose starts on Tuesday, April 7, in the Gladstone Elementary School gym. This is a free program that focuses on literacy for pre-school children and their parents. There is no need to register for this program, just show up! Come out the first night and check it out! The program will continue to run on Tuesdays until June 9.
Also in Gladstone, the Boat Operators Safety Course. It is required for all operators of any motor craft to have this course by September 2009. The course will be held on April 20 from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. and is being led by a certified instructor. The course is open to all those ages 10 and older. Pre-registration is required by April 13.
If you are interested in participating in for fun slo-pitch games in a family league in Gladstone, please phone the Inter-Ridge Recreation office. This would be a great opportunity for families to get active together. With enough interest, ball could be played on a regular basis.
To contact Laura at Inter-Ridge Recreation, phone either the Gladstone office or the MacGregor office. The phone numbers are 385-2071 or 685-2202. You may also email
Friday, March 27, 2009
Community opens Country Meadows
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Neepawa Safeway threatened

This morning Neepawa's Safeway store is closed and under watch by the RCMP. Sgt. Line Karpish, media relations for the RCMP, said that they received a call and are implementing "proper safety measures".
Karpish declined to comment on the nature of the call or threat. She didn't know when the store would re-open but said, "It could be a little while".
Shortly after lunch, a sniffer dog was checking the building.
Update 2: As of 3pm, Safeway was re-opened.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Care home officially opened
Posted by Kate
Today, Manitoba premier Gary Doer and health minister Theresa Oswald officially opened Neepawa's new personal care home, Country Meadows. Read more in next week's Neepawa Banner, or watch a video of the speeches and tour of the care home on our YouTube page:
Friday, February 27, 2009
The Banner on YouTube
Be sure to check out our YouTube channel,
High school zone curling
We have some more pictures from last Friday's games.
Contact or stop by the office to see what we have.