Posted by Kate
On April 25, 2009, shortly before 2:30 am, the RCMP Neepawa Detachment were notified of that a man had been assaulted outside a licenced premise in the Town of Neepawa. RCMP and local EMS attended, a large crowd was noted outside the establishment and a 52-year-old Neepawa man was found semi-conscious at the scene. He was conveyed to the Neepawa Hospital where he was admitted with non-life threatening injuries.
An investigation followed and on October 29, 2009 the investigative report was submitted to Manitoba Justice for opinion. On March 29, 2010, the RCMP Neepawa Detachment received Crown opinion to lay a charge of Assault Cause Bodily Harm.
Thirty-six year old Kenneth LePage of the Winnipeg Police Service has now been formerly charged with Assault Cause Bodily Harm and has been summonsed to appear in Neepawa Provincial Court on June 1, 2010.